Profile of the Girls

I love sunflowers and sunshine. I love lilies and laughter. I love to be spontaneous. I love to learn. Not take tests, just learn new things. I like to be alone as much as I love being with people. I like to read classics by the fire with a cup of hot tea. Old missionary stories that stir my heart for people in far away countries. Learn new languages, taste new foods, and meet new people. I'm learning how to be a master at asking questions. Mostly because I want so badly to be able to just walk right up to sad and hurting people and help them to be free from sin and shame, to love the Lord with life and joy!

My name is Emily, and I'll be one of your hosts on this grand adventure. I am slowly learning the great and majestic power of our God. It's not always easy for my earthly eyes to pick out the awesome redemptive changes He is working from the spiritual realm. But sometimes I can catch a glimpse of His loving kindness at work. I love to watch despairing eyes become filled with His hope. To see lives transformed through the mighty Love that my Savior offers through nail scarred hands. To watch Him give my life a purpose, a hope, and joy that is possible and fulfilling in no other way.  To be embarked on an adventure alongside the most capable guide, loving father, cunning warrior, righteous king, and friend the world has ever known. My passion, is that others will see this Jesus, and will come to know and accept Him as all of those things in their life, and more. That's when the adventure truly begins. So come with us, if you dare.

Hello everyone! My name is Kimberly and I am a child of God. God saved me at a young age and He has called me to live a set -apart life for Him. God is constantly showing me His love and kindness through every day circumstances and out of the ordinary events. My goal is to encourage others and especially young ladies through my writings about my struggles and experiences. My family and I enjoy serving together as a team. God is our constant Help, Provider, and Friend. Seek His face.


The "normal" things I love are reading, music, and sports. I've been snowboarding once, and other than the rather painful reminders from my battered limbs I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. I love being with people, friends are one of the best things on earth, and I have an amazing family with parents and brothers and sisters who are fun to with, serve with, and play with. (Thankfully we do less fighting now then we used to :))
My Greatest adventure is learning to know Jesus, and for some I know that doesn't sound all that exciting, but it's kept me breathless for a few years now. I love watching the light come on in someone's face when they actually let God's reality get through to their heart. I get extremely wound up when people finally stop trying to be like Jesus without His help, and learn how to abide in Him and love Him, and then as a result become like Him. That sounds all high and mighty spiritual, but I'll tell you one thing; the more I see, the more I realize that I don't know anything. And so that's why God is so exciting! He always has new and amazing ways to show me His love, to guide me, to comfort me, to correct me, and to make my life incredible and beyond what this world can fathom! So I'm in this thing for the long haul, and I can't wait to see the places I'll go, and the people I'll meet as I learn to live my life in Jesus!


I am my Fathers, and He is mine. I don't deserve what He has given me; His grace, forgiveness, and most of all His love. But He is faithful. He is the mere reason for my existence, and I will live for Him till the day I die. I have amazing parents, three brothers, and two sisters. I am currently working at the headquarters of an international ministry. This has been a huge blessing, and has opened up opportunities I could never have imagined.


I'm Molly, I'm a photographer, and I hope one day to be able to travel around the world (mainly Asia) and be a witness for my Lord :)

I've been working at Head Quarters for almost two months now. The Lord sent me on my first Journey to the Heart in April (2012), and I soon became interested in working at HQ and the Lord led me here to work in June. I have learned so much, and I don't say  that because I have to or should so I'd sound all "super spiritual" no..., God has been teaching me patience, to love like He loves, and just being a testimony for Him. It has been a super huge blessing to be here... pretty much just knowing I'm in the Lord's will and that He has something amazing planned ahead for my life. :)

I am so excited to see what God is going to continue to do through me while here at HQ! Thanks and God Bless!


I am a full-blooded Romanian, and a first generation American. I come from a family of nine, who are currently scattered across the globe. I am the seventh oldest child. Right now I'm happy to be where God has me, which is at the Head Quarters of a International Christian organization that my family works with in Romania. I'm learning so many different things about myself and who Jesus says that I am. My main goal is to become passionately, wildly, single-mindedly, restlessly, determinedly, stubbornly, and endlessly preoccupied with Jesus. My current life verse is  Psalm 60:12 "Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies."


I am a bond slave of Jesus Christ. He has redeemed me, covered me in His righteousness, and chosen me as His own. I can't really comprehend His love for me, but I desperately want to love Him back and bring Him joy. I know that there is nothing good within me, except Jesus. There is nothing more important to me than sharing with others the Gospel of Christ. In fact, I would be willing to die for the cause of Christ! I don't know what my future holds, but I know Who holds the future. "He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me. They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay. He brought me forth also into a large place: he delivered me, because he delighted in me." II Samuel 22:18-20